Development of a mobile plug-and-play plant dryer for accessible and fast drying process (Herbas – Barcs Metál)
The project “Development of a mobile plug-and-play plant dryer for accessible and fast drying process” is the result of cooperation between 2 companies: Herbas d.o.o. from Croatia, and Barcs-Metál Kft. from Hungary. The project is co-financed under the B-light Grant Scheme which finances the cooperation of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the border area Hungary – Croatia under the Interreg V-A Cooperation Program Hungary – Croatia 2014 – 2020.
Total amount of the project: 360,000 EUR (180,000 EUR / Light partner)
Co-financing (75%): 270,000 EUR (135.00 EUR)
– financed are: salaries of employees working on the project, investment in equipment (new CNC turning machine), project management and marketing costs
Project duration: from 1 July 2019 till 28 February 2021 (20 months)
Lead Beneficiary: Croatian Agency for Small Business, Innovation and Investment HAMAG-BICRO